Payment of Rates

Payment of Rates

Rates will be payable in four equal instalments. The due dates for these instalments are:

1st Quarter       9 September 2024

2nd Quarter      9 December 2024

3rd Quarter       7 March 2025

4th Quarter       6 June 2025

A quarterly notice will be posted to ratepayers at least 30 days prior to each due date.

Rates can be paid at any time during the year as long as at least the quarterly amount is paid before the quarter due date.

Payment must be received by Council on or before the instalment due date. Ratepayers wishing to make alternative payment arrangements must contact Council prior to the due date for payment of rates. Approval of any such arrangement will be at the discretion of Council.

Payment Methods

The Wudinna District Council offers a variety of easy and convenient payment methods:


This can be accessed from your phone or internet banking of your financial institution. You can pay from your savings, cheque or credit card account.

To pay your rates account - enter in the Biller Code 34702. The Reference Number is your Assessment Number as it appears on your rates notice.

You must enter each assessment notice individually and minimum payment is $10 per assessment. If your accounts is less than $10, you can still pay $10 and your account will go into credit (or use another method of payment).

We recommend processing your payment at least two clear working days before the due date.

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Payment can be made with Mastercard, Visa or Access card at the Council office (minimum transaction of $10, no cash out). We also accept EFTPOS payments over the phone, simply phone the Council office on 08 8680 2002.

Send your cheque or money order to PO Box 6, WUDINNA  SA  5652. Please allow at least 5 working days for mail payments to reach council by the due date. Post dated cheques will not be accepted.

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Call into the Council office at 11 Burton Terrace, Wudinna.
Opening Hours are 8.45am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
We accept cash, cheque, Eftpos and money orders.
Post dated cheques will not be accepted.

Late Payment of Rates


If an instalment of rates is not paid on or before the due date on which it falls due, the instalment is regarded as being in arrears; and

  • A fine of 2% of the amount of the instalment is payable; and
  • One the expiration of each full month from that date, interest at the prescribed percentage will be charged on the outstanding amount for each month it continues to be late.
Recovery of Amounts Due

In any case where default in payment of rates occurs, Council may without further notice commence proceeding for recovery of all amounts due including.

Refer to Debt Recovery Policy.