Pursuant to Section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, any work or modification that is required to be carried out on a public road requires separate approval before work can commence. A public road includes the carriageway, footpaths and verges.The Council’s Works Department manages all work approvals to ensure that work is carried out in a safe manner and that hazards are minimised.
Approval needs to be obtained for any work that is outside your property boundary which may include Driveway Construction, Concrete/Paved Walkway, Private Stormwater Outlet, Underground Electrical Services, Landscaping on Verge, Removal of Vegetation and other miscellaneous work. If you intend to use a public road for a business purpose, in addition to a section 221 authorisation, the Applicant will also require a permit under section 222 of the Act.
To apply for a permit, please complete one of the following forms and return it to the Council Office.
- Authorisation to Alter a Public Road (Section 221 Permit)
- Authorisation to Use a Public Road for Business Purposes (Section 222 Permit)
Careful consideration needs to be taken into account when planning the location of your proposed works. As the applicant it is your responsibility to ensure that there are no public utility infrastructure such as underground cables, pipes etc in the vicinity of the work. This can be obtained by making on online enquiry through Before You Dig Australia at www.1100.com.au.
As the applicant/contractor you are required to provide a current Public Risk Insurance Policy (min $20,000,000) and understand that you are responsible for Public Safety and any damage caused to Council land and public utilities that may occur from your proposed work. Please ensure you read and understand all conditions attached to your permit prior to commencing work.
The holder of an authorisation will indemnify and keep indemnified the Council its employees, servants and agents and each of them from and against all actions, costs, claims, damages, charges, and expenses whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against them or any of them arising out of or in relation to the issuing and granting of the authorisation.
Should have any questions in regards to an application please contact the Council’s Works Department on (08) 8680 2002 or email admin@wudinna.sa.gov.au