Local History Books:
A Salute to Pioneers |
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Council Publications:
Annual Report
Each year the Council produces an Annual Report. This report is distributed to every householder in the Wudinna District. Copies of the Annual Report can be obtained from the Council Office at no charge.
Wudinna & Districts Community Plan
The Wudinna & Districts Community Plan is a plan for the future. The plan has been developed by the community and states their vision and goals for the future development of the area.
The plan has been developed through participation in workshops and consultations and represents the contributions of:
- Wudinna & Districts Directions Group
- Individuals and community group representatives
- Students of the Wudinna and Karcultaby Area Schools
- Elected members and officers of the Wudinna District Council
- Responses to a community questionnaire distributed to all households, organisations and businesses in the area
Copies of the Wudinna & Districts Community Plan can be obtained from the Council Office at no charge.
Corporate Plan
The Corporate Plan is a plan for the future operation of the Council that reflects the Vision, Goals, Objectives and Actions of the Wudinna & Districts Community Plan. The plan states the mission, goals and objectives of the Council and the actions the Council will take to fulfil the mission and achieve the goals and objectives. The plan forms the basis on which Council actions and decisions are taken. Copies of the Corporate Plan can be obtained from the Council Office at no charge.