The Council maintains cemeteries in the district of Wudinna, Kyancutta, Yaninee, Minnipa and Warramboo. The cemeteries are always open to the public.
Burial Register
A Burial Register is kept and maintained. The Register contains the following details about the deceased:
- Name
- Age
- Date of Death
- Date of Burial
- Plot/Grave Number
- Place of Abode
- Who performed the Ceremony
- Cemetery & Section
Click to Search Grave records
Grave Sites
If you would like to lease a grave site in a Wudinna District cemetery, you will be required to complete an Interment Right Application form and return it to our office. Please click the form link to download. Click here for current fees and charges. Plot sizes are 1.4m x 2.8m single or 2.8m x 2.8m double.
Burial Order
To facilitate a burial in our Cemeteries, we require the completion of a Burial Order form. This is usually completed by a funeral director and returned to our office.
There are no fees for monument works being carried out in district cemeteries, however all materials must be supplied by the persons doing the work. An approval from Council's Manager Works and Infrastructure Services is required prior to undertaking any work.