Valuations & Objections
Each year the State Valuer-General provides Council with valuation information, which lists all the properties within the Council area. This list includes property information, such as owner, size, value, land use and improvements i.e. houses and sheds. Each property is given two values, a capital and a site value. The site value is the value of the land only. The capital value is the value of the land, plus any improvements. The values can fluctuate from year to year.
Council rates are calculated on these property values. Each year, around July, Council declares a rate-in-the-dollar based on these valuations. The rate-in-the-dollar is set so that Council can fund its budget. Once this rate-in-the-dollar has been resolved, it is publicised in a Local newspaper and the SA Government Gazette.
From time to time a ratepayer may notice a jump in the value of their property, and hence their Council rates. There are two principle causes of these increases. Firstly, if property within the vicinity of their land has been sold at a price higher than the current SVO's valuation, this is construed as an increase in the market value of the area, and hence other properties in the area are valued upwards. This is more common in our farming areas. Secondly, if there are renovations, extensions or new buildings constructed on a property, its value will increase.
It is the Valuer-General, not the Council, who sets the valuation on the properties. If you are unhappy with your valuation, you can object to the Valuer General, who will review the valuation. You must lodge an objection within 60 days of receiving your rates notice. Contact details are as follows:
Post: Office of the Valuer-General, GPO Box 1354, ADELAIDE SA 5001
Phone: 1300 653 346
Please be aware that the State Valuation Office has no obligation to reduce your valuation.
Rates are still due and payable by the due date even if an objection has been lodged.
For more information about Valuations visit the website of the Valuer-General.