Work Health & Safety
The Wudinna District Council is committed to maintaining a safe working environment for all its employees, contractors and visitors. The Council has adopted a comprehensive policy manual that deals with a range of WH&S issues, including accident and incident reporting and subsequent rehabilitation, hazard identification, electrical safety, emergency procedures, confined spaces, plant and machinery use and management, manual handling and staff training.
The Council's Health & Safety Committee monitors current work practices and procedures in conjunction with injury reports, accident investigation outcomes, hazard audits and industry standards, making policy changes or undertaking corrective measures as the need arises.
In addition to this the Committee also aims to:
- Further the achievement of Council safety objectives
- Review all accidents occurring in the workplace
- Encourage an awareness of safety at all levels
- Evaluate safety suggestions submitted by employees
- Arrange and conduct regular safety inspections
- Instigate educational programs for the benefit of all employees.
The Committee meets regularly in its endeavours to carry out the above functions, with a minimum of four meetings a year. The Committee receives assistance, direction and support from a Risk and Safety Advisor, employed by the Local Government Risk Services. An Elected Member nominated by the Wudinna District Council, who has a standing invitation to attend all meetings and will receive all Agenda papers in the same manner as Committee members. The current Health & Safety Committee (HSC) consists of:
Responsible Officer - Kristy Davis (CEO)
Chairperson - Nikita Cummings
Secretary & WHS Coordinator - Liezel Smit
Works Gang Health & Safety Rep - Cody Stringer
Administration Health & Safety Rep - Liezel Smit
Corporate Services Manager - Andrew Buckham
Administration Representative - Nikita Cummings
Policies & Procedures
Council is currently reviewing its policies and procedures in line with the Local Government Association Workers Compensation Scheme (LGAWCS). LG Safe Project that is updating the ‘One System’ WHS framework for Local Government.
The overall objectives of the LG Safe Project are to:
- Improve the safety and wellbeing of the local government workforce through strengthened work health and safety systems and practice.
- Improve the user experience and respond to calls for simplified and contemporary suite of templated WHS policies, procedures, and support tools.
- Strengthen the legal compliance of the local government sector regarding work health and safety, and the Performance Standards for Self-Insurers (PSSI).
- Reinforce the value of the mutual model for managing work health and safety across the local government sector.
As policies and procedures are reviewed and adopted by Council, this page will be updated. Signed versions of the documents are captured in Council's records management system and are available upon request.
Please follow this link to view the LGAWCS One System Structure.
WHS Return to Work Policy
Workplace Return to Work Procedure
Work Health & Safety Administration Policy
WHS Communication & Consultation Policy
WHS Contractor Management Policy
Fitness for Work Policy & Procedure