Part Remission for Pensioners
Council has deemed that the imposition of the new Waste Collection Service Charge may cause hardship for pensioner ratepayers and are therefore offering a part remission of this charge to eligible applicants.
To apply for a remission, complete a Rate Remission Application Form(166 kb) and submit to Council as soon as possible.
To be eligible, the applicant must be:
- the owner/principal ratepayer; and
- the property must be the applicants principal place of residence;
- a recipient or eligible for a Cost of Living Allowance (current concession card holder)
For more information, contact Selena Garnaut, Finance Manager on 08 8680 2002.
Cost of Living Concession
The new State Government Cost of Living Concession for pensioners, low-income earners and self-funded retirees who hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card came into effect on 1 July 2015.
The new concession will be paid to a maximum per household and replaces the $190 (or $100 for self-funded retirees) council rate concession. This means concessions will no longer be applied to council rate notices. The new concession will be paid directly to eligible residents by cheque or directly into their bank account.
The concession on sewerage (CWMS) rates (where applicable) will still apply and will be applied to council rate notices.
The new concession will provide the following support to households:
- $200 to eligible pensioners and low-income earners who hold a licence to occupy (or own their home);
- $100 to eligible pensioners and low-income earners who are tenants;
- $100 to eligible self-funded retirees who hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
Those residents who received the council rates concession directly will not need to apply seperately for the Cost of Living Concession.
Application forms for the concession can be obtained from the Council or by downloading from or by contacting the Concessions Hotline on 1800 307 758.