Rates for 2024-25 were declared at Council's meeting held 16 July 2024.
Method of Valuing Land
In the Wudinna District Council properties are rated on their capital value as provided to the Council by the Valuer General's Office. Each year (usually in July) Council declares a rate-in-the-dollar, which is applied to all district properties. This declaration appears in a local newspaper and the SA Government Gazette.
For more information about Valuations visit the website of the Valuer-General https://www.valuergeneral.sa.gov.au/
Council continues to use Capital Values as the basis to value all land within the Council area. Capital Value is the value of land and all the improvements on the land.
Differential General Rates
The Council completed a Review of the Basis of Rating during 2023-24 (Rating Review). The Review recommended changes to the Council’s rating structure to move from rating categories based on locality to rating categories based on land use and introduce a new rating category for the Employment Bulk Handling Zone.
Pursuant to Section 153 and 156 of the Local Government Act 1999 (as amended) Council hereby declare differential general rates on rateable land within its area which rates vary by the use of land:
Residential 0.005896847
Commercial Shop 0.007665901
Commercial Office 0.007665901
Commercial Other 0.00884527
Industrial Light 0.007665901
Industrial Other 0.007665901
Primary Production 0.004717477
Vacant Land 0.01769054
Other 0.005896847
Employment Bulk Handling Zone (Silos) 0.025061598
If a ratepayer believes that a particular property has been wrongly classified by the Council as to its land use, then they may object (to the Council) to that land use within 60 days of being notified.
Minimum Rate
Council, pursuant to Section 158 of the Local Government Act 1999 hereby fixes a minimum amount payable by way of rates in respect of rateable land within its area of $626.75, in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2025.
Pursuant to Section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, and in accordance with the CWMS Property Units Code as provided at Regulation 12 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2013, the Council hereby imposes annual service charges payable in respect to rateable and non-rateable land where a septic effluent disposal connection is provided within the township of Wudinna:
An annual service charge of $340 per unit in respect of each piece of rateable land where occupied and serviced by the scheme and further fixes an annual service charge of $305 in respect of each vacant allotment to which the scheme is available for the financial year ending 30 June 2025.
Waste Collection Service Charge
Pursuant to Section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council hereby imposes an annual service charge to properties that have an occupiable dwelling, outbuilding or other class of structure to which the Council provides, or makes available, the prescribed service of the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste via Council’s waste collection service of $275 per mobile garbage bin.
If anyone (including commercial/community organisations) require additional wheelie bins, they can apply to Council. These will be capped at a maximum of 2 bins per residential property and 10 bins per commercial/community organisation property.
Commercial and community organisations who believe that they do not require the service may apply to ‘opt-out’ of the service.
Remissions (in part) for concession cardholders may be provided upon application.
Waste Collection & Disposal Policy(550 kb)
Mobile Garbage Bin Collection Form(166 kb)
Rate Remission Application Form(166 kb)
Eyre Peninsula Landscape Levy
Pursuant to Section 69 of the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 and Section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council is required to contribute towards the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board and has been advised that the Wudinna Council’s contribution is $$85,102, for the financial year ending 30 June 2025:
(a) All rateable properties with a Local Government Land Use of Primary Production, a Separate Rate of $184.70 per assessment;
(b) All rateable properties with a Local Government Land Use of:
(i) Commercial (Shop, Office, Other)
(ii) Industrial (Light and Other)
A separate rate of $138.53 per assessment;
(c) All rateable properties with a Local Government Land Use of:
(i) Residential
(ii) Vacant Land
(iii) Other
A separate rate of $92.35 per assessment.
For more information on this levy, we encourage you to visit: www.landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/home
Wudinna Homes for the Aged - Separate Rate
In accordance with Section 154(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council declares a separate rate of $189 based on a proportional basis of expenditure incurred in maintaining the area.